This is the End

Today, I share with you a journey of love, loss, and resilience. This story I have never shared publicly, but here it goes!

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What Mother's Day means to me

What Mother's Day means to me. Well, that my friends is a story to tell! For the last 17 years, as Mother's Day rolls around, I get this overwhelming feeling of fear! My story begins on May 13, 2006.

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Morning Pages: Unleashing Your Creative Magic


Good morning and happy Thursday, dear friends! I hope your day is already filled with beautiful moments and a sparkling outlook. Let’s embark on something magical together!
Today, I want to share with you a practice that I’ve recently started as part of my course studies. It’s called Morning Pages. These pages are borrowed from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. Imagine them as a daily ritual where you write three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness musings. No rules, no judgment—just raw expression. Julia Cameron encourages us not to reread what we’ve written, instead, we let whatever’s on our minds flow onto the pages and then release it.
Now, let’s explore the benefits of Morning Pages:
*Clearing the Mental Fog: When your mind is constantly racing, Morning Pages act like a gentle breeze, clearing away mental clutter.
*Igniting Creative Sparks: Think of Morning Pages as matchsticks for creativity. As you scribble, ideas catch fire. Hidden gems, quirky notions, and solutions emerge from the folds of your mind.
*A Digital Detox for Your Soul: In a world buzzing with notifications, Morning Pages offer a serene escape. No screens, no pings—just you, your thoughts, and the quiet hum of morning birds.
*Self-Reflection: It’s like holding up a mirror to your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. A deliberate process where you pause, look inward, and explore.
*Emotional Liberation: Life isn’t always rainbows; sometimes it’s thunderstorms. Morning Pages give you permission to vent, cry, rage, or dance on paper.
Remember, it’s not about perfection. It’s about showing up, pen in hand, heart open. Whether your handwriting rivals an Oscar winner’s or resembles chicken scratch—it doesn’t matter. What matters is letting go. Once it’s written, put it away; it’s gone—no reflecting, no rereading.
And now, today’s Daily Affirmation: “Today, I embrace my creative flow. My words are magic, and my thoughts paint galaxies.”
So, my friends, grab your favorite journal, let your pen waltz with the sunrise. The world awaits your Morning Pages.


This is the End

Today, I share with you a journey of love, loss, and resilience. This story I have never shared publicly, but here it goes!

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What Mother's Day means to me

What Mother's Day means to me. Well, that my friends is a story to tell! For the last 17 years, as Mother's Day rolls around, I get this overwhelming feeling of fear! My story begins on May 13, 2006.

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Hope in Humanity

Today's Devotion is about Human Hope. It starts with a verse from Psalm 119:68 BBE * You are good, and your works are good; give me knowledge of your rules. *

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June Messages

Years ago, right after my daughter passed away, I subscribed to Message from God. I felt that I really needed and wanted something that could give me some daily encouragement to get me through my grief. Now I know, these aren't actual messages from God Himself, but I do like to think that the person on the other end of these messages is being led by God. Some days the messages are short and sweet. They may or may not make any sense to me, however there are also days that the message is exactly what I needed! Today for example, I have been struggling to get my thoughts, my time, and life in general, together. I started this site for my Amazon Affiliate's program with the dream of being vigilant on posting demo videos, suggestions, and/or product reviews. I have made many videos, but I either hate the way I look or the sound of my voice, so I haven't bothered to repost them. So, I guess you can say that I have writer's block, until today! My Message from God really helped because it's what I have based my platform on! Beauty in everything! I wanted to share it with you!

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Happy New Year!

Well, I don't know about you, but I am glad 2024 has arrived! Now don't get me wrong, 2023 had some really good moments, like my son getting engaged, the birth of my 2 great nieces, and my besties son surviving what could have been a very deadly moment! However, we also experienced yet again, a loss in our family right before Christmas when one of my cousins was struck and killed while riding with a group of cyclists. He was assisting another struggling rider when someone hit him. It's always hard losing a loved one but having a loved one ripped from your life in an instant, without warning, is even harder! 

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Me and my kids on the beach in Mexico

April 4, 2023

Today is my first attempt at Blogging! Welcome to my site, I'm so glad you are here to experience this crazy journey with me! As I look ahead to a few days from now, turning 56 doesn't seem to resonate in my mind! The picture you see here, I believe was me in my mid 30's. I look back at and wonder where did the time go? 

Doing this Blog started out as an idea I got because I wanted to be an Amazon Affiliate. I thought it would be cool to share my thoughts and experiences on items that I purchased and used over the years. However, as I got started with the program, I found myself wanting to share more than just information about my online shopping habits. I'm about to turn 56 and I have been through many trials and tribulations. So, I thought, why not share these experiences with others that might be going through the same things in their lives! With that said, I will introduce my platform "BurOwnBeautiful" through my life experiences, pictures, and my work. Please stay with me and be a part of my next chapter in life! 

October Reflections

October kicks off my favorite time of the year! Anniversaries, leaves changing colors, cool breezes, and Halloween! My husband and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary! It still amazes me how long we have been together! All the trials and tribulations we have faced and still face today! In our 34 years together, we have endured the loss of our daughter Nicole, Lonnie's father, our brother-in-law, many aunts, uncles, grandparents, and recently, my mother. We haven't always had the best relationship, but we were always determined to work at it! Today I feel as if we have one of the best and strongest relationship I could have ever asked for. We spend pretty much every day and night together. Yes, we still have times where we get on each other's nerves or do something stupid that upsets one another, but we are able to talk through it and move forward. I look forward to what the future holds. Hopefully a wedding and some grandbabies! 

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It Finally Happened!

Today our little family gets to celebrate! Our son, Jeremy, just got engaged to his longtime girlfriend, Atzin. We are more than thrilled for these two! We have always thought of Atzin as family, but to make it official, will be the greatest blessing yet. Jeremy and Atzin have a wonderful relationship. They have worked hard and continue to do amazing things together. I know that God has some special plans for them coming up in the near future. I just love being able to watch them both grow and mature into these amazing young adults. I pray that our son can have a loving and lasting relationship just as his father and I have had for over 34 years! Atzin comes from a strong and loving family as well, and her parents have also been together since they were kids themselves! With a strong foundation under them, I have no doubts that these two can weather any storms that may come their way.

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